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Англо-русский сельскохозяйственный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский сельскохозяйственный словарь. 2013.
dereserve — … Useful english dictionary
Persecution of Muslims — refers to the religious persecution inflicted upon Muslims. Persecution may refer to beating, torture, confiscation or destruction of property. Persecution can extend beyond those who perceive themselves as Muslims to include those who are… … Wikipedia
Hinduism and other religions — In the field of comparative religion, some have sought to discover similarities between Hinduism and other religions. Further information: Indian religions and Eastern religions Hinduism has a history of co existence with Buddhism and… … Wikipedia
Islam in India — This article is about Islam in the Republic of India. For wider definitions of India , see Islam in South Asia. Indian Muslims … Wikipedia
Caste system among South Asian Muslims — refers to units of social stratification that have developed among Muslims in South Asia.[1][2] … Wikipedia
Hinduism and Islam — Hinduism and Islam, from the of arrival of the Arabs as far back as the eighth century AD, has had a checkered history. During the Muslim conquests, Islam gained many converts on the Indian sub continent primarily from Hinduism or Buddhism; the… … Wikipedia
Касты в исламских странах Южной Азии — (Пакистан, Бангладеш и др.) своеобразная система социальной иерархии, возникшая в эпоху Империи Великих Моголов как компромисс между индуистскими и исламскими традициями. Термин «касты» в исламских обществах не используется. «Исламские… … Википедия
Исламские касты — Ислам История ислама Столпы вер … Википедия
Мусульманские касты — Ислам История ислама Столпы вер … Википедия